Comedians in Cars Getting Attention for Climate Change

dezembro 14, 2018


Purpose partnered with Funny or Die to produce a “Comedy Pit Stops” series as a component of the New American Road Trip. The series is meant to draw mainstream attention to climate issues by having comedians highlight the future of clean energy innovation across the country.

Comedians included JC Coccoli – who joined the crew for the entire road trip – as well as Guy Branum, Oscar Nunez, Erica Rhodes, Francesca Fiorentini and others. The videos were posted by Funny or Die, which has an audience of over 10 million, across all of their platforms. The videos have reached over 718K+ people organically.

The first episode kicks off in California with JC Coccoli hosting:

The second episode saw Guy Branum exploring climate solutions in Las Vegas:

The third episode focused on Jo Firestone discovering how a couple in Boulder is “saving the beer” through innovative technology:

The fourth episode takes place in St. Louis, where Erica Rhodes highlights bike transportation in the city:

The fifth episode follows Oscar Nunez as he rides a pedal boat in Lake Orion:

The sixth episode has JC taking the team to her hometown of Pittsburgh:

The final episode brings the team to its final destination of New York City, with special guest Negin Farsad joining in for the final ride:

Check them all out, as well as related content, on Funny or Die.

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