For the Love of Purpose Climate Lab

Creating influencer-driven content to reach new audiences

The Purpose Climate Lab identified the political influence of young Evangelical Millennials, and set out to compel them to take action ahead of the 2015 Paris Climate summit. The Climate Lab created For the Love Of – a documentary that told the story of one Evangelical musician and influencer’s time at the summit and personal commitment to protecting the planet. The documentary sparked unprecedented positive and productive discussion and set the stage for political action that defies traditional party lines.

02. Insight & Strategy


Despite unprecedented ambition and momentum, the 2015 Paris Climate summit was inaccessible to new audiences – with technocratic process and politics at its center. The significance of the moment was poised to be lost on those outside the climate movement.


The Purpose Climate Lab identified the political influence of young Evangelical millennials, and recognized them as an audience that could be compelled to action with the right messengers and narrative. Working with these influencers the Lab created For the Love Of – a documentary that told the story of John Mark MacMillan’s time in Paris and personal commitment to protecting God’s planet.


Purpose Climate Lab conducted thorough research to identify the narrative and messengers that Evangelical millennials found most compelling, and used this to shape the social and video content created in partnership with Evangelical rockstars with a vast political and cultural influence. These trusted messengers translated the technocratic summit into a compelling and human call to action.

Purpose Climate Lab provided an innovation micro grant of $90,000 to Micah Challenge. This grant paid for the travel of the influencers, and enabled Micah Challenge to develop their audience in the lead up to content release.

03. Theory of Change

Conduct research to confirm the political influence of Evangelical Millennials, and identify the most salient messages and messengers.

Based on these findings, identify Evangelical influencers and take them to the Paris COP, providing opportunities to learn and be inspired.

Together with these influences, create compelling, human and God-centered content to mobilize young Evangelicals in the US.

Inspire young Evangelicals to act for the love of creation at the grassroots, state and national levels.

04. Branding
05. Video
06. Social
07. Impact

For The Love Of sparked an unprecedented amount of positive and productive discussion on climate change amongst millennial evangelicals, and set the stage for political action that defies the traditional party lines.

The documentary had a broad organic reach, with nearly 10% (more than 4X standard rates) of organic users watching the full documentary. Over 80% of the targeted audience watched the documentary, and content boosted the channels audience by 240%.

After screenings of the documentary around the country, over 100,000 people joined live Facebook discussions with the Evangelical influencers to further explore the content of the documentary.

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