Everytown Launches and Takes on the NRA

maio 2, 2014


As of April 16, Americans who believe in common-sense gun laws have a reason to hope. That’s the day Everytown for Gun Safety launched—an ambitious effort to counter the gun lobby and build a long-term, grassroots movement to end gun violence in the U.S.

The group, which unites Mayors Against Illegal Guns (founded by former mayors Michael Bloomberg and Tom Menino) and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, partnered with Purpose to develop its movement strategy, interactive launch campaign, new brand, site, and online campaigning platform.

Everytown aims to re-energize the national conversation about gun violence and develop sustained grassroots power on an unprecedented scale. The organization and its growing membership will push Congress and local legislatures to pass critically needed laws and limit the oversized influence of the gun lobby.

We couldn’t be prouder of Everytown’s initial impact. The launch received coverage on the TODAY Show, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, The Guardian, and others. The organization’s homepage ads on The New York Times produced a click-through rate three times higher than similar ads, and dozens of celebrities tweeted their support, from Whoopi Goldberg to Arianna Huffington. Plus, one of Everytown’s launch videos hit two million views within the first few days. This provocative launch campaign helped spark a national conversation about children and the safe storage of firearms—and we’re just getting started.

To check out the site and stand with Everytown, visit www.everytown.org.

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