Purpose & All Out Join Forces with 501 Tech NYC

juin 20, 2015


In partnership with 501 Tech NYC and All Out, Purpose continued its celebration of LGBT pride month by hosting Winning Campaigns for International LGBT Rights, presented by Andre Banks, the Co-Founder and Executive Director of All Out. All Out is an independent nonprofit organization launched through early support from Purpose, mobilizing millions of people to build a world where no person will have to sacrifice their family or freedom, safety or dignity, because of who they are or who they love.

Andre said of the opportunity to share All Out’s story with the 501 Tech NYC community: “So much of All Out’s most important work is simply telling the story – letting people know that being gay is a crime is 76 countries and highlighting the persistent discrimination faced by lesbian, gay, bi and trans people around the world. Even within liberal and activist circles, it’s still hard to find opportunities to tell that story and get people involved on these issues.  It’s great that 501 Tech is helping to bridge that gap and the result was a great conversation.”

Andre shared stories from the front lines of digital campaigning for international LGBT rights, highlighting some of the key factors that have led to All Out’s victories over the past few years. He focused heavily on the importance of deeply knowing your audience (and continuing to check in with them) and choosing messages, platforms and tactics that align with the interests and values of that core audience and their social networks.

This lays the groundwork for the other success factors that Andre shared, which are telling powerful stories and applying new tactics to old problems. Specifically on stories, Andre pointed to examples of powerful movements when citizen-told stories inspired action and influenced public opinion and decision makers. He emphasized the effectiveness of stories that are told by ordinary citizens because they encourage people to see, feel, and experience their own power.

The 501 Tech NYC event series is hosted each month at the Purpose headquarters. 501 Tech NYC is a volunteer-led group affiliated with the Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN). Events feature experts discussing online campaigns, social impact, digital best practices, and innovative tech tools. Stay informed on the latest content and events from 501 Tech NYC by joining their Facebook or online groups.


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