The Power of Connection in Healing Journeys

février 7, 2019


Purpose is proud to have partnered with The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention on the rebrand of International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day.  The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is the United States’ largest suicide prevention organization. Every year, AFSP hosts events for suicide loss survivors. These events are often the first step in the healing journey for suicide loss survivors and into the AFSP family. Today, AFSP unveiled a new look for its flagship programming for International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day. 



The new logo, font and colors for the event, designed by the team at Purpose, conveys the hope and sense of connection that these events can provide for those in attendance.

“We wanted the logo to reflect the impactful Survivor Day programming AFSP provides and its ability to help loss survivors through their healing journeys,” said Emma McDonald, creative director at Purpose. 

Here’s what AFSP had to say about the new look:

We’re excited to announce a new look for our International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day logo: one that better matches our current AFSP branding, and represents the program — known colloquially as Survivor Day — as a day of healing, hope, connection and growth for many survivors of suicide loss.

Given how this event has grown since its founding in 1999, the Loss & Healing team recently looked at how the program is presented in the physical and online materials associated with it. After lots of exploration, discussion and feedback from our national team and volunteers, we’re pleased to introduce AFSP’s new logo for International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day.

In past years, the logo was a globe, signifying the worldwide capacity of the event. But International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day is not just about the events taking place across the world, but about what happens at those events — encouraging a sense of community that helps move us toward understanding and healing. The two curves of the new image, in our view, represent the feeling of suicide loss survivors coming together in a spirit of shared understanding, while also then moving outward toward a place of growth and healing.

Each year, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention sponsors hundreds of large and small Survivor Day events around the world, in which suicide loss survivors come together to find comfort and understanding through their shared experience. While each event is unique and offers various programming, all feature an AFSP-produced documentary that offers a message of growth, resilience and connection. Initially this day was designated by the United States Congress as a day when the friends and family of those who have died by suicide can join together for healing and support. These events help survivors cope with the tragedy of losing someone to suicide.

To find a Survivor Day event in your community and see the new look of this program:

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is the largest suicide prevention organization in the US. AFSP is dedicated to saving lives and bringing hope to those affected by suicide. AFSP creates a culture that’s smart about mental health through education and community programs, develops suicide prevention through research and advocacy, and provides support for those affected by suicide.

AFSP has local chapters in all 50 states with programs and events nationwide. Learn more about AFSP here and join the conversation on suicide prevention by following AFSP on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and YouTube.


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