Fast Company drops by the Office

janvier 9, 2015


This week, Purpose was featured on Fast Company’s website in a video profile entitled, “How to Lead a Purposeful Company Toward Social Change.” The video, produced by Fast Company, interviews Purpose CEO, Jeremy Heimans, as he describes Purpose’s model for movement-building and real world examples of success.  

Capturing the core function and values of Purpose, Heimans says, “What we want to do at Purpose is be a kind of a mothership for movement-building and put the best people in the world together around political organizing, around technology, user experience, design, policy, and brand… put them under one roof, have them be singularly focused on how you build movements and how you give people agency and a sense of power that leads to them having a major impact.”

Heimans also describes his mission and aspirations for Purpose when he says, “My dream is that in 10 years, people look at Purpose and they say that’s the place where some of the most important new models for social change emerged. »

Check out the video on Fast Company’s website here.  

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