COVID-19 Lab


Fighting COVID-19 through lifesaving information

The COVID-19 Lab and its flagship initiative, Verified, is a global infrastructure built in partnership with the United Nations to deliver rapid response public health communications, build trust in the COVID-19 vaccine, and fight misinformation. Since launching in March 2020, we have used global media platforms, grassroots groups, and trusted influential messengers—from Malala and Pope Francis to the famous Brazilian comic book series Turma da Mônica—to reach over one billion people with accurate and accessible communications around COVID-19.

Person with a mask on getting a COVID vaccine in a hospital
How We Work
Powerful media partnerships

We are growing and strengthening the media and communications infrastructure around COVID-19 to reach mass audiences with critical messages.

Trusted messengers networks

We are building an unprecedented coalition of trusted messengers to reach and persuade targeted audiences.

Collaboration with grassroots groups

We are working with a deep network and local partners on the ground to ensure that vulnerable communities have access to vital information and have the tools to fight misinformation.

Our Initiatives

To tackle this unique set of worldwide health communications challenges, we have developed a global approach, informed by local strategies. Our core initiatives include:


Verified is a global program aimed at flooding the internet with compelling public health information. The program has reached more than a billion people, engaged 250+ organizations and influential voices— including mass media partners, social media companies, corporates, civil society and public figures.


Pause is a global behavior change campaign with national activations across key countries to encourage a moment to ‘pause’ and reflect before sharing content. Hundreds of partners worldwide joined the campaign, enabling us to reach on average 500m people during each of the two Pause “spikes” throughout 2020.

Images of COVID graphics in boxes with masks on them

Team Halo

Team Halo is a cutting-edge global program of trusted messenger networks across 10 countries, supported by media and influencers that are disseminating science-based, simple and accessible stories. Trusted messenger content has proved to be effective in improving knowledge and attitudes towards the Covid-19 vaccine.

Only Together

Only Together is a vaccine equity campaign highlighting the importance of our solidarity. Launched on the 1st anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic, the #OnlyTogether campaign called for artists, influencers, international bodies and governments to share what they were most looking forward to when vaccine equity helps to end the pandemic. Over 70 governments engaged with the campaign, and key posts were shared from the Prime Minister of Pakistan, the Vice President of Nigeria and the President of Austria.


Choose Both: A Digital Guide
for Equity & Evidence